Ganymede (Promo)
With its individual ability, the Ganymede can contribute 1 energy to the actions of the active SPARC 1x per round outside of its own turn. At the moment of action, move 1 energy crystal, which is conributed to the action of the active SPARC in its turn, on the Ganymede's control panel to used. Thus, it is not available at the start of Ganymede's own turn, but at the end of its turn it is moved back to available. The total amount of energy that is thus available to the other SPARC in this turn is increased up to 7.
Thanks to its special ability, the Ganymede can execute the special ability of another SPARC involved in the game during its own turn. However, the Ganymede has to expend the required overcharged energy crystal itself. As with the original SPARC, the moment at which this copied special ability is executed during its own turn depends on the respective effect.