Argo Power Centre

Scenario: Between the Dimensions (Promo)

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The SPARCs can transfer energy crystals that are installed in them to the Argo power centre. This can be done as part of your own actions (step 4 of the turn). The transfer itself does not require any energy. You can transfer only 1 energy crystal per turn. The SPARC must be on the node directly adjacent to the the current position of the Argo. At the moment of transfer, the energy crystal must be available on the control panel. Transfer energy crystals from the control panel to the Argo power centre, filling its 3 fields from left to right. Like in the base game, the last energy crystal of the SPARC is protected and may neither be charged nor transferred to the Argo.
Each time, when the first and second energy crystal has been transferred to it, the Argo immediately jumps to a new location.